ISSN: 2393-9508
e-ISSN: 2582-4902

The Biobrio 7(1 & 2), 2020

The Role of Rag Pickers and Kabariwalas In Solid Waste Management In Dumka District

Samuel kisku and Prasanjit Mukherjee


In the current scenario solid waste management is one of the burning and challenging problem all over the globe. The generation of the huge amount of the waste and its management is Hercules task for the administrators of the ULBs of the cities and towns. The local body in managing the towns waste due to various reasons is facing immense problems. A substantial quantum of solid waste is left behind and remains uncollected. Collection of waste presents peculiar problem as these waste are thrown discriminately and not collected properly. About 78% of waste are biodegradable in nature and can be easily composted and can be used in various agricultural purposes. On other hand only 12% of waste are inert in nature or recyclable, which needs to be disposed in a proper manner.


Solid waste, Biodegradable, Rag pickers, Kabariwalas

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