ISSN: 2393-9508
e-ISSN: 2582-4902

The Biobrio 9(1 & 2), 2022

Analysis of physicochemical and biological parameters on the quality of Gahari nadi, (Phulout) of Madhepura, Bihar

Md. Kaishar Alam, Arvind Kumar & Arun Kumar


A study was conducted on Gahari nadi using eight parameters pH, Temperature, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Turbidity, Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N), Phosphate (PO43-), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) measured at six different sites (S1-S6) along the river Narmada. Three methods (Weighted Arithmetic Water Quality Index, National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index and Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index) were used for calculation of water quality index. This was observed that the water quality was found to be excellent to good in the season summer and winter and poor to unsuitable for human consumption in the season monsoon along the river Narmada. The fall in the quality of water in monsoon season was due to poor sanitation, turbulent flow, soil erosion and high anthropogenic activities.


Gahari nadi, Physicochemical and biological parameters

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