ISSN: 2393-9508
e-ISSN: 2582-4902

The Biobrio 8(3 & 4), 2021

Advance GIS Analysis for Computing Strahler Stream (Narwa) Order in Chhattisgarh State

Md. Qaiser Abdulhaque, Saheb Halder, Saroj Mahapatra, Shambhu Nath Mishra & R. K. Sharma


Stream-order is a useful resource of every river network, having wide range of applications. A method for determining stream orders needs to addresses various network topologies and geographical conditions at quick and easy pace. This paper introduces a general stream-order framework for vector hydrography and a full Chhattisgarh state analysis. It also presents a linear stream order procedure for river networks. The river network identifies different situations of Narwa/streams. There are number of methodologies used for stream order, however, one of the most popular and acceptable analysis is Strahler Stream Order. In Watershed approachbased soil and moisture conservation treatment, require a wide use of structure identification by using this order. It may assume "right structure at right place".


Strahler Stream, Drainage orders, Advance GIS technology

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