ISSN: 2393-9508
e-ISSN: 2582-4902

The Biobrio 10(3 & 4), 2023

Quantitative assessment of noise level around the educational institutions in Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Ram Deepak, Dev Kumar, Mridu Tirkey, Sandeep Prasad, Sajalendu Ghosh, Debu Mukherjee, Amrita Lal, Soni Kumari & Anushil Anand


The presented research was carried out to assess the noise level around the four reputed educational institutions of Ranchi. The noise level was measured with the help of Sound Level meter with A - weighted noise level in all the four areas of educational institutions understudied. The measurement was taken from 6.00 AM to 6.PM with 2 hours of time intervals during daytime in seven regular working days and holidays. The result observed was above the limits prescribed by the CPCB ambient limit of noise. All the research areas understudied were educational institutional that comes under silence zone and its prescribed limit is 50 dB(A) during daytime but observed results were above the limit around all the four areas. To mitigate the consequences of noise pollution, environmental aids such as effective rules and regulations, legislative implementation, barriers to transmission paths, social activities like awareness, motivation, and appreciation programs, and the support of mass media are necessary. Educational initiatives such as following noise ordinances and instructions, providing environmental education, and using noise-reducing teaching aids can help in creating a healthy and peaceful learning environment by reducing ambient noise levels.


Noise Pollution, Ambient Noise Level, CPCB, Sound Level Meter


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