ISSN: 2393-9508
e-ISSN: 2582-4902

The Biobrio 7(3 & 4), 2020

Tree Mortality In Sub Tropical Forest of India: A Review

Hari Shankar Lal, Reshmi Chatterjee, Srikanti Kumari, Sagufta Ismat, Nayeema Khatoon


Shisham is widely distributed in many parts of India upto 1000 m in the Himalayas.It grows typically on sandy and gravely alluvium well drained soil along the riverbeds and on the landslips or places where soil is exposed. It prefers to grow on porous soil of sand pebbles and boulders with adequate moisture while it avoides growing in clayey soil as it gets infected by disease


Tree, Mortality, Sub Tropical Forest , India

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