The Biobrio- Volume 7 , Number- 3 & 4 : 2020
Sl No | Content | Page |
1. |
Population Growth, Food Security, Biodiversity and Covid-19
(Nikhil Agnihotri, T.K. Sharma and Sippy Dassani)
| 503-508 |
2. |
Studies on prevalence of Malaria in Santhal and Paharias and their Folklore treatment in Pakur, Jharkhand
(Saba Iqbal and Smirity Prabhai)
| 509-516 |
3. |
Cell death assessment in Oxalis corniculata Linn. under Aluminium (Al) stress supplemented with Silicon (Si)
(Shweta Kumari and Jyoti Kumar)
| 517-519 |
4. |
Ecological Study of Sacred Groves (Jaher) of Karharbil of Dumka Block, District Dumka, Jharkhand.
(Joyena Marandi, Prabhawati Bodra)
| 520-522 |
5. |
Tree Mortality In Sub Tropical Forest of India: A Review
(Hari Shankar Lal, Reshmi Chatterjee, Srikanti Kumari, Sagufta Ismat, Nayeema Khatoon)
| 523-532 |
6. |
Preparation of Biofertilizer by using Plant Endophytes
(Aafrin Naaz Ansari and Jyoti Kumar)
| 533-534 |
7. |
Stomatal frequency and pollen analysis in Allium hookeri Thwaites
(Sagufta Ismat and Kamini Kumar)
| 535-539 |
8. |
Studies on distribution and morphotaxonomy of Ludwigia adscendens L. growing in Jharkhand, India
(Dinanath Mishra and Dr. Prasanjit Mukherjee)
| 540-543 |
9. |
Preliminary phytochemical screening and HPTLC finger printing profile of leaf extract of Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. ex Britton and P.Wilson
(Sneha Sahay)
| 544-551 |
10. |
Plant species found in and around Sidpahari black stone mining area and its impact on plants
(Archana Kumari Jha and Dr. Prasanjit Mukherjee)
| 552-559 |
11. |
An Exploration of Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the Indian Ocean: A Review
(Vinod K Yadava, Radha Krishna Jha, Jyoti Kumar, S Pandey & P Kaushik)
| 552-559 |