Angiospermic Floral Diversity of Delhi in the Context of Urbanization and Habitat Loss
Striga angustifolia (D.Don) Saldanha addition to the Flora of Churu District of Rajasthan (India)
Biodiversity Park : An Innovative Approach for Conservation and Protection of Natural Heritage
Antibacterial activity of crude extracts of different parts of Euphorbia hirta L. using different solvents against gram – negative bacteria - Escherichia coli
Physico-Chemical Analysis of Quality of Water in Sarkar Bandh Pond of Jamtara District of Jharkhand
Anti-Carcinogenic Aquatic Weeds: A Review
Effect of Shift Work Induced Sleep Deprivation on Diabetes & Kidney Problems
Some Antipyretic Ethno-medicinal Plants used by Munda Tribe of Tamar Block of Ranchi District, Jharkhand
Biological Control of Fusarium Wilt oF Gladiolus Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli by the Selected Trichoderma Species under Glasshouse Conditions
Ethnobotanical studies on wild Leafy Vegetables consumed by “Ho”tribes of W. Singhbhum District, Jharkhand, India