Effect of Oberon (Insecticides) and remedial impact of Tulsi (Oscimum sanctum) on blood glucose level of an air breathing fish Channa panctatus
Scenario of Bio- Medical Waste Management in ULBs of Santhal Pargana
Effect of Herbicide Monuron on Nitrogen Fixing Blue Green Algae (BGA) Anabaena doliolum and Nostoc Linckia
Documentation and Folklore Use of Medicinal Plants of Hathwa (Gopalganj), Bihar.
Impact of Growth and Reproduction of Domestic Fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) on Corpuscular Haematology
Estimation of Primary Productivity of Shivaganga Pond of Baidyanathdham- Deoghar, Jharkhand [India]
Diel Cycle of Some Abiotic Factors in Rainy Season of Talla Pond, Sukhjora, Ranishwar, Dumka Jharkhand
Nitrogen Fixing Blue Green Algae (BGA) in Rice Fields in India